I saw in a local museum that people in the past used these nests as shoes for kids during the cold time of the year. I am sure it is a warm place for your feet.?
Dear Robert, My name is Alexandre Roulin, a professor of biology working on the barn owl for already 30 years. I recently published a book on the barn owl at Cambridge University Press (available on 28. March). I am completing another book for the lay public and in this book I mention the nest of Penduline tit. I would like to illustrate this nest with a picture and I found your picture totally amazing. Would you agree that I include it in my book and under which conditions?
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Dear Robert,
My name is Alexandre Roulin, a professor of biology working on the barn owl for already 30 years. I recently published a book on the barn owl at Cambridge University Press (available on 28. March). I am completing another book for the lay public and in this book I mention the nest of Penduline tit. I would like to illustrate this nest with a picture and I found your picture totally amazing. Would you agree that I include it in my book and under which conditions?
Looking forward to hearing from you,
With best regards,
Alexandre Roulin